Course code 07 53 1102 19
Number of ECTS points 4
Course title in the language of instruction
Podstawy dynamiki 
Course title in Polish Podstawy dynamiki
Course title in English
Fundamentals of Dynamics
Language of instruction Polish
Form of classes
Lecture Tutorials Laboratory Project Seminar Other Total of teaching hours during semester
Contact hours 30 30 0 60
E-learning No No No No No No
Assessment criteria (weightage) 0.55 0.45 0.00
Unit running the course Instytut Fizyki
Course coordinator dr inż. Piotr Górski
Course instructors dr inż. Piotr Górski
No prerequisites are required
Course learning outcomes
  1. Student is able to define the concepts and parameters used in the basics of mechanics and describe, explain and explain the basic laws of the basics of dynamics (W0714A1_W01, W0714A1_W08)
  2. Student is able to analyse and solve tasks and perform quantitative calculations related to the analysis of phenomena in the basics of dynamics (W0714A1_U04, W0714A1_U05)
Programme learning outcomes
  1. able to demonstrate a general knowledge of classical mechanics, optics, electromagnetism and thermodynamics;
  2. knows and understands the basic laws of classical and modern physics;
  3. able to analyse and solve problems in mechanics, optics, thermodynamics, electromagnetism, modern physics, and quantum physics using known theorems and methods;
  4. able to perform quantitative calculations concerning the analysis of physical phenomena within the scope of modern physics and use the results to formulate qualitative conclusions;
Programme content Newton's laws of motions, real and apparent force, principles of conversation, conservative and non-conservative forces, fluid and air static and dynamic, basic of gravity, basic od rigid body dynamic, elements of relativistic dynamic
Assessment methods
Outcome 1 - the written theoretical exam
Outcome 2 - the written tutorial test

Grading policies The final grade in the subject is weighted average of grades: 45% of the grade passing tutorial test, 55% of the grade passed the theoretical exam.
Course content A. Lecture: 1. Newton's laws of dynamics. Inertial force. Conservation of momentum and angular mo-mentum Dynamics of variable mass body. Work, instantaneous and average power. Kinetic and potential energy. The law of conservation energy for conservative forces. The examples of conservative forces. 2. Fluid and air static and dynamics, Archimedes principle, the equation of continuity, Bernulli's equation. 3. The basic of gravity, Keppler's laws. Strength and potential of gravity field, Gauss's law of gravity. Static theory of tide. Einstein's principle of equivalence. 4. Basics of rigid body dynamics. Tensor of moment of inertia. Kinetic energy of rigid body. Euler equations, free and forces precession, the gyroscope energy. 5. The basics of relativistic dynamics. Relativistic mass. Total and kinetic relativistic energy. Relativistic transformation of momentum end energy. Relativistic second law of motion. B. Tutorials: Exercises and problems for lectures topics.
Basic reference materials
  1. A.K. Wróblewski, J.A. Zakrzewski, Wstęp do fizyki, t.1, PWN 1989
  2. Ch. Kittel, W.D.J. Knight, M.A. Ruderman, Mechanika, PWN 1973
  3. OpenStax, Fizyka dla szkół wyższych, t.1 i t.3 2017
  4. K. Jezierski, B. Kołodka, K. Sierański, Zadania z rozwiązaniami cz.1, OW Scripta, Wrocław 2000
Other reference materials
  1. J.R. Taylor, Mechanika Klasyczna, t.1 i t.2, PWN 2006
  2. A. Hennel, W. Krzyżanowski, W.Szuszkiewicz, K. Wódkiewicz, Zadania i problemy z Fizy-ki, cz.1. PWN 1993
Average student workload outside classroom
Updated on 2019-09-20 10:46:21
Archival course yes/no no